Just in case you’ve just stumble upon my website, you should know that in my spare time, I’m a hobbyist woodworker.
I had some old pallet wood laying around, waiting to get a new life in a way or another, and since we will be doing limited photo sessions for the winter holidays with children, I thought it would be great to have a reclaimed wood Christmas tree as a prop.
After taking apart all the boards from this pallet I had to remove all the rusted nails.
Tools are ready to be used.
I measured the width of the largest board to be 24 inches and trimmed the ends at 30°.
All other boards I’ve measured to be 1 inch less than the previous. Because the pallet wood is rough, sanding it’s necessary in order to remove splinters.
This is the rough layout and the texture of the boards after sanding.
I have some micro LED lights just perfect for this cute little reclaimed wood Christmas tree.
Please stay tuned to see the photos from the photo sessions that will follow.